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The Benefits of a Site Membership

Maybe you have thought “If only I had a dedicated community of like-minded nuclear electrical engineering professionals to pose this question to…”

A subscription to Nuclear Electrical Engineer gets you instant access to:

  • The QA Forums, where you can get help from experts in the industry.
  • You can ask your fellow engineers how they solved a problem you are having.
  • You can help other engineers solve their problems by sharing your wisdom, knowledge, and experience.
  • Access to restricted members-only materials.
  • Unique networking opportunities.

Access is closed for now to new members. When it re-opens, you can get access to all this and more. Ask yourself this: how much do you earn in 30 minutes? Maybe more than it costs to belong to this online community each month. How much do you think it’s worth to get answers to your most pressing design questions from experts who have been in your shoes?

How much is it worth to you to run your design ideas by experienced engineers who can point out the pitfalls early in the design process, before you get so far down the road that design rework becomes costly and embarrassing?

When you join this site, you can feel confident knowing that you have an online community at your fingertips that is willing to give you the answers you need.

To get started when access re-opens, visit the secure online order form.