On writing work instructions

As an engineer you may have to write a simplified work plan into your mod package that provides a general outline of the installation process. Work planners then translate that broad overview into detailed work instructions . . . .

An engineer may write a general instruction that says to terminate a cable as shown on a wiring diagram. The work planner will then break that into individual steps in his work plan that specify detailed commands like stripping the insulation from each wire inside the cable, installing a lug on each wire, connecting each individual wire to each specific terminal block, and so on.

Usually your most important task in providing the general installation outline is to highlight areas of critical engineering concern. For example, certain pieces of equipment may need to be installed in a specific order, or certain cables connected or disconnected in a specific order. Those requirements need to be noted so that the work planners know not to violate them.

The installation outline provides a starting point for the work planner, but it also provides a good way for the design engineer to go back through his design thoroughly to ensure he hasn’t forgotten about anything. Writing out the general work steps may help you identify a conduit you forgot to include on a drawing or reveal a critical design detail specific to the present configuration that only a thorough examination of a wiring drawing would show.