A World Without Email – Book Review

Can we really increase our productivity and work satisfaction by separating from email? In his new book, author Cal Newport, known for his book Deep Work, attempts to show how it is possible. He identifies the problem created by the advent of email and gives it a provocative name: the hyperactive hive mind.

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Productivity Hardware for Nuclear Electrical Engineers Who Work From Home

Need to do checkprints? Hand-marked-up drawings? Document reviews with a red pen? Our requirements are specific. Here is a short list of what I use, along with alternatives in case you don’t like my preferences…

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10 CFR 50.59 – A history of the rule’s development

50.59 - a history of its evolution from 1961 to today

Prior to 1962, the 50.59 process for modifying a nuclear plant without requiring prior Commission approval did not exist. There was no UFSAR. There were only Technical Specifications, the Hazards Summary Report, and license amendments. This is a summary of the 50.59 rule’s evolution, from 1961 to today…

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50.59 – Why 10% is the criterion for determining “more than a minimal” increase

It’s given as guidance in NEI 96-07 without a basis, and 10% is not mentioned in the regulations at all. But the basis isn’t arbitrary. Here is the reason…

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