Georgia Power made the announcement on April 1, 2023…
“The generator at Vogtle Unit 3 has generated electricity for the first time, and the unit has successfully synchronized and connected to the electric grid,” reported the press release.
As of April 6, the NRC is reporting Vogtle 3’s power level was holding steady at 25% after first achieving that level on April 2.
According to Section of the latest version of the UFSAR, the site is now within the power ascension testing phase of initial startup testing described in UFSAR Chapter 14. Several critical testing milestones are achieved along the way to 25 percent.
For example, Section 14.2.10, “Startup Test Procedures,” summarizes the results achieved up through 5 percent: “The first tests during Power Ascension Testing that verify movements and expansion of equipment are in accordance with design, and are conducted at a power level as low as practical (approximately 5 percent).”
The latest version of the UFSAR can be found on the NRC’s Vogtle Unit 3 page.