Mod package development is a daily reality for engineers working in the nuclear power industry. The earlier you understand the five-point structure that governs them, the quicker your skills and insight will increase. Continue reading “The five-point mod package development philosophy”
Tag: design basis
Things to look for when doing initial background research
Background research is crucial to developing any new project or mod package. Here are some tips specifically tailored to electrical engineers . . . .
Continue reading “Things to look for when doing initial background research”
Redundancy and Diversity
Here are two basic concepts that should be understood by every electrical engineer in the nuclear power industry: redundancy and diversity. They are closely related, but not the same thing . . . .
The General Design Criteria
The NRC established minimum design criteria, called the General Design Criteria (GDC), which every nuclear plant must incorporate. Those are located in Appendix A of 10CFR50. Continue reading “The General Design Criteria”