The NRC requires nuclear plants to have both onsite and offsite power systems available to supply safety-related equipment. It also requires that this equipment be periodically inspected and tested so that their condition can be assessed. These requirements are established in General Design Criteria 17 and 18. Continue reading “Complying with GDC 17 and 18 – a survey of IEEE Std. 308”
Tag: general design criteria
Class 1E circuit independence – a summary of IEEE 384-1992
Class 1E circuits must be independent from circuits of other categories. Understanding IEEE 384-1992 is vital to understanding the NRC’s circuit separation and isolation requirements. . . . Continue reading “Class 1E circuit independence – a summary of IEEE 384-1992”
Redundancy and the single-failure criterion
“Redundant” means having a second source of power or piece of equipment that acts as a backup in case the first fails to operate properly. . . .
Continue reading “Redundancy and the single-failure criterion”
One of the most popular of the licensing basis documents that you’ll work with (or hear about) is the UFSAR. It stands for updated final safety analysis report. . . . Continue reading “The UFSAR”
The General Design Criteria
The NRC established minimum design criteria, called the General Design Criteria (GDC), which every nuclear plant must incorporate. Those are located in Appendix A of 10CFR50. Continue reading “The General Design Criteria”